After completing the film's first schedule in mid-November to mid-December, the actor will take a break before returning to the set in January for 30-45 days. After completing a significant portion of this film, Salman Khan will begin work on Tiger Vs Pathan with Shah Rukh Khan in March or April 2024. This tentative schedule is based on Shah Rukh and Salman's availability. The film will be shot by the duo until the end of May.
Following that, Salman will return to Vishnuvardhan's film in June and finish it by July. According to the report, if Tiger Vs Pathan is delayed, Salman will first finish shooting for Vishnuvardhan's film. Salman will also begin filming for Sooraj Barjatya's next film later next year. After Salman Khan completes these two major action films, the film will begin production in late 2024 or early 2025. More on: Salman Khan